Verify a business

To complete business verification, businesses need to prove they are an incorporated entity to a network accredited issuer. Once verified, directors/office holders can manage the business’s identity on chain, and formally associate smart contract addresses to the business.

Getting started

Property 1=building

So that it is clear to users whether a particular smart contract they are interacting with is officially associated with a business, the business needs to be verified. This process is facilitated by a network accredited issuer.

Only company directors/office holders can apply on behalf of a business and they must have already set up a personal account on Redbelly. They will need to provide various details to their chosen network accredited issuer, including:

  • The applicant's full name
  • Redbelly public address of the person registering the business
  • Business incorporated name
  • Registered business address
  • The list of (registered) public addresses for any authorised representatives the business wants to initialise the business smart contract with.
  • A declaration of whether the applying entity is the beneficial owner of the assets it is managing

Verify your business


Before Redbelly Network mainnet launches, business registration will result in a business identifier smart contract deployed ONLY on Testnet. The verification process may need to be repeated on Mainnet. Ensure you require one on Testnet specifically before requesting the verification.

The following accredited issuer(s) can verify your business on Redbelly.


Averer business verification

Averer is an accredited network issuer and will need to verify your business before creating an on-chain record used to prove the business's legitimacy.