Redbelly technical support and service level policy

1. Scope

The following describes the technical support services (“Technical Support”) that Redbelly Network Pty Ltd (the "Company" or "Redbelly") will provide to its end users, which may be software developers (Developers) or Node Operators.

The purpose of Technical Support is to address issues with the platform that prevent it from performing in substantial conformance with the applicable documentation. A resolution to such an issue may consist of a fix, workaround or other relief reasonably determined by the Company.

2. Support offering

  • Technical Support: We provide technical assistance to diagnose and resolve software-related issues encountered by Developers or Node Operators. This includes troubleshooting, debugging, and resolving software defects in the Redbelly Network software. Specific support is provided in the following categories:

    • Network Access

    • Building dApps

    • Deploying dApps

    • Problems obtaining Testnet coins (through

    • Running a node

    • Voluntary cessation of running a node

    • Appealing a node jailing sentence

  • Product Updates and Upgrades: Developers and Node Operators will have access to software updates and upgrades released as they become available. These updates may include bug fixes, feature enhancements, and performance improvements.

  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation, including our developer knowledge base, Vine, is available to assist Developers in using our software effectively, and to assist Node Operators in setting up and onboarding their node to the Redbelly Network effectively.

3. Support channels

  • Discord: As a distributed network, Redbelly has a large number of diverse contributors from around the world, Developers and Node Operators, therefore, can reach out to the community for support through the dedicated support channels. Whilst we encourage all our community members to utilise each other for support and quick answers, Redbelly cannot provide any guarantees that this will result in the successful resolution of any issues. For more targeted support, Developers and Node Operators should consider reaching out to the core Redbelly development team directly via the relevant Jira Support Portal.

  • Jira Support Portals: A Support Request may be submitted via the:

4. Support requests

When making a Support Request the User must provide accurate information and detailed descriptions of issues encountered to facilitate efficient troubleshooting and resolution, including but not limited to:

    • details of the issue,
    • all relevant messages,
    • the circumstances in which the issue arose, and
    • further information relating to the issue as may be reasonably required to solve the Support request.

5. Support portal user responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Node Operator or Developer to ensure:

    • compliance with system requirements and configurations specified in the relevant documentation and/or knowledge base.

    • that they do not send and personally identifiable information to Redbelly through any of the support channels. If an accredited issuer of Redbelly requires this type of information, it will be requested by them directly.

6. Severity table

Each Support Request will be categorised by the Company into one of the following Severity Levels and addressed in accordance with the target times:

Severity Definition Example Target response time


Critical impact

  • A node is unable to join the network
  • Transactions not being processed
  • RPC endpoint/s not responding
  • Network failing to generate blocks
  • More than 1/3 nodes not in sync.

1 business day


Moderate impact

  • Assessment of jailed node operator

  • Processing of a change request to a node

  • Identity verification issue

  • Network access issue

3 business days


Minimal impact

  • Configuration questions and general support
  • Smart contract issues specifically pertaining to Redbelly Network functionality (e.g. price oracle)

  • Support is required to deploy a smart contract to the Redbelly network

5 business days


Maintenance activities and updates

  • New functionality

  • Changes to user interfaces

Product roadmap


7. Exclusions

The Company is not required to provide support services for issues arising from unauthorised modifications or customisations made to the software by the Developer or third parties nor does support extend to:

  • Hardware-related issues, network configuration, or compatibility with third-party software

  • Smart contract development or configurations for non-Redbelly created Smart Contracts

  • Factors outside of Redbelly’s reasonable control, beyond the demarcation point of our network

Furthermore, the Company is not required to provide resolutions in relation to matters that are considered to be assumed knowledge for an experienced node operator to successfully set up their node.

This includes sufficient working knowledge of the following subjects:

  1. Domain Name System (DNS) as to be able to set up a DNS for their node
  2. Chosen cloud platform (e.g. GCP, AWS, Azure etc) as to be able to:
    1. Instantiate and configure a server that meets the Redbelly’s technical requirements
    2. Set up the networking infrastructure (i.e. VPN, firewall) required to secure the server and ensure it is accessible by the rest of the network
  3. Operating Systems and virtualisation as to be able to:
    1. Setup a node on a bare metal server from scratch (assuming that this is the path chosen by the node operator)
    2. Set up the networking infrastructure (i.e. VPN, firewall) required to secure the server and ensure it is accessible by the rest of the network
  4. Linux and its Command-Line Interface (CLI) as to be able to:
    1. Remotely connect to a node from the local device
    2. Securely copy files from the local device onto a remote node
    3. Edit and save a file
    4. Update file ownership and permissions
    5. Move and copy a file from one location to another within the node
  5. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and SSL server certificate as to be able to install a certificate on a node and test the validity of the certificate
  6. Commonly used EVM based wallets (e.g. Metamask) as to be able to configure them to connect to a new network.

8. Amendments

This Support Policy may be updated from time to time at the discretion of Redbelly Network Pty Ltd. Developers and Node Operators will be notified of any changes to the policy via our website, and updated versions will be made available.

By availing themselves of our support services, Developers and Node Operators agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Support Policy. For inquiries or assistance, please contact our support team through the Node Operator and Developer Support Portals, or our business team at

Redbelly Network Pty Ltd reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate support services at its discretion, with reasonable notice provided to affected Developers and Node Operators.

This policy is also subject to the general terms and conditions of the Redbelly Network.