Accessing Redbelly Network
Before being granted access to Redbelly Network, each user must claim their access credential from a network accredited issuer before they self enable their account with write access to the network through a specific network smart contract.
To successfully claim a Redbelly Network Access Credential, users must work with their chosen accredited issuer to prove they possess a valid photo identity document (passport) which is verified via biometric checks.
Getting access
Start by selecting the network (see environments) you need access to.
Redbelly Testnet
Official Redbelly access dApp
Connect your EVM compatible wallet to the Redbelly access dApp and follow the prompts to get Redbelly Testnet access.
Redbelly Devnet
Official Redbelly DevNet access dApp
Connect your EVM compatible wallet to the Redbelly DevNet access dApp and follow the prompts to get Redbelly DevNet access.
Official Redbelly access dApp
Connect your EVM compatible wallet to the Redbelly access dApp and follow the prompts to get Redbelly access.
Looking for information on business access? Verify a business