Accessing Redbelly Network

Claim the access credential and enable your account today.

Before being granted access to Redbelly Network, each user must claim their access credential from a network accredited issuer before they self enable their account with write access to the network through a specific network smart contract.

To successfully claim a Redbelly Network Access Credential, users must work with their chosen accredited issuer to prove they possess a valid photo identity document (passport) which is verified via biometric checks.

Getting access

Start by selecting the network (see environments) you need access to.

Redbelly Testnet

Property 1=accountability
Official Redbelly access dApp

Connect your EVM compatible wallet to the Redbelly access dApp and follow the prompts to get Redbelly Testnet access.

Redbelly Devnet

Property 1=desktop
Official Redbelly DevNet access dApp

Connect your EVM compatible wallet to the Redbelly DevNet access dApp and follow the prompts to get Redbelly DevNet access.

Access DevNet

Property 1=desktop
Official Redbelly access dApp

Connect your EVM compatible wallet to the Redbelly access dApp and follow the prompts to get Redbelly access.

Looking for information on business access? Verify a business